Liber I (MMXXII)
Carmina Renovata
I.I Amnis Felix
I.II Carmina Mi Reperi
I.III Nympheroti Pomario
I.IV Fabula De Mure Avaro
I.V Astra Innumera
I.VI Astronavis
I.I Amnis Felix
I.II Carmina Mi Reperi
I.III Nympheroti Pomario
I.IV Fabula De Mure Avaro
I.V Astra Innumera
I.VI Astronavis
I.I Amnis Felix
1. Felix me circumfluit illa fluentibus - ecce!
2. verbenas portans amnis aquis madidis.
That happy river flows around me – look!
Carrying greenery with wet flowing waters.
1. [Fēlīx] [mē cīr][cūmflŭĭt] [īllă flŭ][ēntĭbŭs] [ēccē!]
2. [vērbēn][ās pōr][tāns] || [āmnĭs ă][quīs mădĭd][īs.]
2. verbenas portans amnis aquis madidis.
That happy river flows around me – look!
Carrying greenery with wet flowing waters.
1. [Fēlīx] [mē cīr][cūmflŭĭt] [īllă flŭ][ēntĭbŭs] [ēccē!]
2. [vērbēn][ās pōr][tāns] || [āmnĭs ă][quīs mădĭd][īs.]
I.II Carmina Mi Reperi
1. Condecoratorum croceis viridique rudenti
2. qui nubes innant carmina mi reperi.
3. Caeruleatorum pavonum bucina ubique
4. qui exclamant tubulis carmina mi reperi.
5. Bubonum badiorum cognoscunt qui oculati
6. longiter omnia mox carmina mi reperi.
7. Nobilitate aquilarum qui quoque vulturum acerbe
8. deripiunt praedas carmina mi reperi.
9. Pipatorum passerum olorum qui exanimati
10. tot volitantia quot carmina mi reperi.
1. Discover for me the songs of those decorated with yellows
2. and with green rigging, who navigate the clouds.
3. Discover for me the songs of the blue peacocks who shout
4. blasts everywhere with little trumpets.
5. Discover for me the songs of the brown owls who, outfitted with eyes,
6. soon understand everything far and wide.
7. Discover for me the songs of eagles in nobility and
8. of vultures who harshly snatch away spoils,
9. of the chirping sparrows, of the swans who have died.
10. Discover for me as many songs as things that fly.
1. [Cōndĕcŏ][rātō][rūm crŏcĕ][īs vĭrĭ][dīquĕ rŭd][ēntī]
2. [quī nū][bēs īn][nānt] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
3. [Cāērŭlĕ][ātō][rūm pā][vōnūm] [būcĭna ŭb][īquē]
4. [qui ēxclā][mānt tŭbŭ][līs] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
5. [Būbō][nūm bădĭ][ōrūm] [cōgnōs][cūnt qui ŏcŭ][lātī]
6. [lōngĭtĕr] [ōmnĭă] [mōx] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
7. [Nōbĭlĭ][tāte ăquĭ][lārūm] [quī quŏquĕ] [vūltŭrum ă][cērbē]
8. [dērĭpĭ][ūnt prāē][dās] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
9. [Pīpā][tōrūm] [pāssĕrum ŏ][lōrūm] [qui ēxănĭ][mātī]
10. [tōt vŏlĭ][tāntĭă] [quōt] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
2. qui nubes innant carmina mi reperi.
3. Caeruleatorum pavonum bucina ubique
4. qui exclamant tubulis carmina mi reperi.
5. Bubonum badiorum cognoscunt qui oculati
6. longiter omnia mox carmina mi reperi.
7. Nobilitate aquilarum qui quoque vulturum acerbe
8. deripiunt praedas carmina mi reperi.
9. Pipatorum passerum olorum qui exanimati
10. tot volitantia quot carmina mi reperi.
1. Discover for me the songs of those decorated with yellows
2. and with green rigging, who navigate the clouds.
3. Discover for me the songs of the blue peacocks who shout
4. blasts everywhere with little trumpets.
5. Discover for me the songs of the brown owls who, outfitted with eyes,
6. soon understand everything far and wide.
7. Discover for me the songs of eagles in nobility and
8. of vultures who harshly snatch away spoils,
9. of the chirping sparrows, of the swans who have died.
10. Discover for me as many songs as things that fly.
1. [Cōndĕcŏ][rātō][rūm crŏcĕ][īs vĭrĭ][dīquĕ rŭd][ēntī]
2. [quī nū][bēs īn][nānt] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
3. [Cāērŭlĕ][ātō][rūm pā][vōnūm] [būcĭna ŭb][īquē]
4. [qui ēxclā][mānt tŭbŭ][līs] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
5. [Būbō][nūm bădĭ][ōrūm] [cōgnōs][cūnt qui ŏcŭ][lātī]
6. [lōngĭtĕr] [ōmnĭă] [mōx] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
7. [Nōbĭlĭ][tāte ăquĭ][lārūm] [quī quŏquĕ] [vūltŭrum ă][cērbē]
8. [dērĭpĭ][ūnt prāē][dās] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
9. [Pīpā][tōrūm] [pāssĕrum ŏ][lōrūm] [qui ēxănĭ][mātī]
10. [tōt vŏlĭ][tāntĭă] [quōt] || [cārmĭnă] [mī rĕpĕ][rī.]
I.III Nympheroti Pomario
1. Pampinum aperturasque per adfulgent radiati
2. soles aurati roscida tonsaque non.
3. En – circumsilientibus alitibus volitatu
4. corvus cornices noctua somnifera huc
5. graculus et pavo passerculus aetherius grus
6. admiscent aquilae celsa columbula dux.
7. Vates cantant carmina converto stata ramis
8. illic alata paginula placida.
9. Procedit formosus robustus vir amans mi!
10. ramis vibratis ros oriens in aquas
11. exundat caput aspergens et brachia calvum.
12. Clavas miscet se buxea lignaque tunc.
13. Vertit Nympheros arbores betulas et acernas
14. quercus et salices materias varias.
15. Mensas bellas pegmata lectos aedificat nunc
16. artificis genio ludos arboreos.
17. Aurula mittit alacra tuas ad epistolium aedes
18. scripsi quod ut nux quae cadit ab foliis.
19. Cesses paulisper agitatos arbore stanti
20. qui tremefecerunt umbriferas hederas.
21. Aligeris atramentis scriptum oscinis exsors
22. leniter extollas in manibus teneris.
23. Litterula tenta me trementem tenuisti.
24. Verbenarum sic bellula pervenio.
1. Through a vine tendril and openings do gilded, radiating
2. suns shine upon dewy things that have not been cut.
3. Look – with birds in flight dancing around
4. the raven, crows, sleep-bearing night-owl here
5. the jackdaw and the peacock, the sparrowlet, the heavenly crane
6. the eagles mingle, (and) the lofty little dove in the lead.
7. The bards sing songs; stationed on branches, I whirl out (songs)
8. in that place with a winged, peaceful, little page.
9. He advances – my shapely, solid, loving husband!
10. with branches having been shaken, dawn dew gushes into waters,
11. sprinkling his bald head and his arms.
12. Then, he mixes branches, and boxwood timber with himself.
13. Nympheros turns trees of maple and birches,
14. oaks and willows, various materials.
15. Now, he builds beautiful tables, shelves, benches,
16. with the talent of a craftsman, games made of trees.
17. A nimble little breeze sends to your sanctuaries a note,
18. which I have written, as a nut, which falls from the leaves.
19. Just for a moment, while the tree stands still, may you still the movements
20. which made shade-bearing ivies tremble.
21. May you gently lift the not-random (note) of a songbird, written
22. with winged inks, in your tender hands.
23. After you have held the little letter, you have held me, trembling.
24. Thus do I, lovely of leafy twigs, arrive.
1. [Pāmpĭnum ă][pērtū][rāsquĕ pĕr] [ādfūl][gēnt rădĭ][ātī]
2. [sōlēs] [āūrā][tī] || [rōscĭdă] [tōnsăquĕ] [nōn.]
3. [Ēn – cīr][cūmsĭlĭ][ēntĭbŭs] [ālĭtĭ][būs vŏlĭ][tātū]
4. [cōrvūs] [cōrnī][cēs] || [nōctŭă] [sōmnĭfĕ][ra hūc]
5. [grācŭlŭs] [ēt pā][vō pās][sērcŭlŭs] [āēthĕrĭ][ūs grūs]
6. [ādmīs][cēnt ăquĭ][lāē] || [cēlsă cŏ][lūmbŭlă] [dūx]
7. [Vātēs] [cāntānt] [cārmĭnă] [cōnvēr][tō stătă] [rāmīs]
8. [īllīc] [ālā][tā] || [pāgĭnŭ][lā plăcĭ][dā.]
9. [Prōcē][dīt fōr][mōsūs] [rōbūs][tūs vĭr ă][māns mī!]
10. [rāmīs] [vībrā][tīs] || [rōs ŏrĭ][ēns ĭn ă][quās]
11. [ēxūn][dāt căpŭt] [āspēr][gēns ēt] [brāchĭă] [cālvŭm.]
12. [Clāvās] [mīscēt] [sē] || [būxĕă] [līgnăquĕ] [tūnc.]
13. [Vērtīt] [Nȳmphĕrŏs] [ārbō][rēs bĕtŭ][lās ĕt ă][cērnās]
14. [quērcūs] [ēt sălĭ][cēs] || [mātĕrĭ][ās vărĭ][ās.]
15. [Mēnsās] [bēllās] [pēgmătă] [lēctōs] [āēdĭfĭ][cāt nūnc]
16. [ārtĭfĭ][cīs gĕnĭ][ō] || [lūdōs] [ārbŏrĕ][ōs.]
17. [Āūrŭlă] [mīttĭt ă][lācră tŭ][ās ăd ĕ][pīstŏlĭ][um āēdēs]
18. [scrīpsī] [quōd ūt] [nūx] || [quāē cădĭt] [āb fŏlĭ][īs.]
19. [Cēssēs] [pāūlīs][pēr ăgĭ][tātōs] [ārbŏrĕ] [stāntī]
20. [quī trĕmĕ][fēcē][runt] || [ūmbrĭfĕ][rās hĕdĕ][rās.]
21. [Ālĭgĕ][rīs āt][rāmēn][tīs scrip][tum ōscĭnĭs] [ēxsōrs]
22. [lēnĭtĕr] [ēxtōl][lās] || [īn mănĭ][būs tĕnĕ][rīs.]
23. [Līttĕrŭ][lā tēn][tā mē] [trēmēn][tēm tĕnŭ][īstī.]
24. [Vērbē][nārūm] [sīc] || [bēllŭlă] [pērvĕnĭ][ō.]
2. soles aurati roscida tonsaque non.
3. En – circumsilientibus alitibus volitatu
4. corvus cornices noctua somnifera huc
5. graculus et pavo passerculus aetherius grus
6. admiscent aquilae celsa columbula dux.
7. Vates cantant carmina converto stata ramis
8. illic alata paginula placida.
9. Procedit formosus robustus vir amans mi!
10. ramis vibratis ros oriens in aquas
11. exundat caput aspergens et brachia calvum.
12. Clavas miscet se buxea lignaque tunc.
13. Vertit Nympheros arbores betulas et acernas
14. quercus et salices materias varias.
15. Mensas bellas pegmata lectos aedificat nunc
16. artificis genio ludos arboreos.
17. Aurula mittit alacra tuas ad epistolium aedes
18. scripsi quod ut nux quae cadit ab foliis.
19. Cesses paulisper agitatos arbore stanti
20. qui tremefecerunt umbriferas hederas.
21. Aligeris atramentis scriptum oscinis exsors
22. leniter extollas in manibus teneris.
23. Litterula tenta me trementem tenuisti.
24. Verbenarum sic bellula pervenio.
1. Through a vine tendril and openings do gilded, radiating
2. suns shine upon dewy things that have not been cut.
3. Look – with birds in flight dancing around
4. the raven, crows, sleep-bearing night-owl here
5. the jackdaw and the peacock, the sparrowlet, the heavenly crane
6. the eagles mingle, (and) the lofty little dove in the lead.
7. The bards sing songs; stationed on branches, I whirl out (songs)
8. in that place with a winged, peaceful, little page.
9. He advances – my shapely, solid, loving husband!
10. with branches having been shaken, dawn dew gushes into waters,
11. sprinkling his bald head and his arms.
12. Then, he mixes branches, and boxwood timber with himself.
13. Nympheros turns trees of maple and birches,
14. oaks and willows, various materials.
15. Now, he builds beautiful tables, shelves, benches,
16. with the talent of a craftsman, games made of trees.
17. A nimble little breeze sends to your sanctuaries a note,
18. which I have written, as a nut, which falls from the leaves.
19. Just for a moment, while the tree stands still, may you still the movements
20. which made shade-bearing ivies tremble.
21. May you gently lift the not-random (note) of a songbird, written
22. with winged inks, in your tender hands.
23. After you have held the little letter, you have held me, trembling.
24. Thus do I, lovely of leafy twigs, arrive.
1. [Pāmpĭnum ă][pērtū][rāsquĕ pĕr] [ādfūl][gēnt rădĭ][ātī]
2. [sōlēs] [āūrā][tī] || [rōscĭdă] [tōnsăquĕ] [nōn.]
3. [Ēn – cīr][cūmsĭlĭ][ēntĭbŭs] [ālĭtĭ][būs vŏlĭ][tātū]
4. [cōrvūs] [cōrnī][cēs] || [nōctŭă] [sōmnĭfĕ][ra hūc]
5. [grācŭlŭs] [ēt pā][vō pās][sērcŭlŭs] [āēthĕrĭ][ūs grūs]
6. [ādmīs][cēnt ăquĭ][lāē] || [cēlsă cŏ][lūmbŭlă] [dūx]
7. [Vātēs] [cāntānt] [cārmĭnă] [cōnvēr][tō stătă] [rāmīs]
8. [īllīc] [ālā][tā] || [pāgĭnŭ][lā plăcĭ][dā.]
9. [Prōcē][dīt fōr][mōsūs] [rōbūs][tūs vĭr ă][māns mī!]
10. [rāmīs] [vībrā][tīs] || [rōs ŏrĭ][ēns ĭn ă][quās]
11. [ēxūn][dāt căpŭt] [āspēr][gēns ēt] [brāchĭă] [cālvŭm.]
12. [Clāvās] [mīscēt] [sē] || [būxĕă] [līgnăquĕ] [tūnc.]
13. [Vērtīt] [Nȳmphĕrŏs] [ārbō][rēs bĕtŭ][lās ĕt ă][cērnās]
14. [quērcūs] [ēt sălĭ][cēs] || [mātĕrĭ][ās vărĭ][ās.]
15. [Mēnsās] [bēllās] [pēgmătă] [lēctōs] [āēdĭfĭ][cāt nūnc]
16. [ārtĭfĭ][cīs gĕnĭ][ō] || [lūdōs] [ārbŏrĕ][ōs.]
17. [Āūrŭlă] [mīttĭt ă][lācră tŭ][ās ăd ĕ][pīstŏlĭ][um āēdēs]
18. [scrīpsī] [quōd ūt] [nūx] || [quāē cădĭt] [āb fŏlĭ][īs.]
19. [Cēssēs] [pāūlīs][pēr ăgĭ][tātōs] [ārbŏrĕ] [stāntī]
20. [quī trĕmĕ][fēcē][runt] || [ūmbrĭfĕ][rās hĕdĕ][rās.]
21. [Ālĭgĕ][rīs āt][rāmēn][tīs scrip][tum ōscĭnĭs] [ēxsōrs]
22. [lēnĭtĕr] [ēxtōl][lās] || [īn mănĭ][būs tĕnĕ][rīs.]
23. [Līttĕrŭ][lā tēn][tā mē] [trēmēn][tēm tĕnŭ][īstī.]
24. [Vērbē][nārūm] [sīc] || [bēllŭlă] [pērvĕnĭ][ō.]
I.IV Fabula De Mure Avaro
1. Avarus tot collegerat frumenta mus
2. ut defuissent formicis nulla agmini
3. parantibus cellas brumales algidas.
4. Nec legati preces avarum nec movent.
5. Formicis furibus sodales invocat
6. centum murum pervenerunt ad bella qui.
7. Multis pugnis pugnatis agmine unico
8. formicarum oppugnant in frumentarios
9. muros murum sed interim valet fames
10. quod intra avarus mus licet cenare non
11. frumenta devorentur ne cunctissime.
12. Discedunt irati infelices ceteri
13. mures. Avarus non tangit frumenta mus
14. et exspirat fami. Felices amovent
15. et hibernant frumenta dein industriae.
1. A greedy mouse had collected so much grain
2. that there was none left for the ants (and) for their battle line
3. preparing their cold solstice storerooms.
4. Neither messengers nor prayers moved the greedy one.
5. With the ants as thieves, he called in his friends,
6. a hundred mice who came to the wars.
7. With many fights having been fought in a singular battle line
8. of ants they laid siege against the grain-filled
9. walls of the mice. But meanwhile hunger is strong
10. within because the greedy mouse is not allowing (them) to dine
11. lest the grain be entirely devoured.
12. Angry (and) unhappy the rest of the mice
13. leave. The greedy mouse does not touch the grain
14. and he dies by hunger. The industrious (ants) take
15. the grain and then spend the winter happy.
1. [Ăvārūs tōt] [cōllēgĕrāt] [frūmēntă mūs]
2. [ūt dēfŭīs][sēnt fōrmīcīs] [nūlla āgmĭnī]
3. [părāntĭbūs] [cēllās brūmā][lēs ālgĭdās.]
4. [Nēc lēgātī] [ăvārūm nēc] [prĕcēs mŏvēnt.]
5. [Fōrmīcīs fū][rĭbūs sŏdā][lēs īnvŏcāt]
6. [cēntūm mūrūm] [pērvēnērūnt] [ād bēllă quī.]
7. [Mūltīs pūgnīs] [pūgnātīs āg][mĭne ūnĭcō]
8. [fōrmīcārum ōp][pūgnānt īn frū][mēntārĭōs]
9. [mūrōs mūrūm] [sĕd īntĕrīm] [vălēt fămēs]
10. [quōd īntra ăvā][rūs mūs lĭcēt] [cēnārĕ nōn]
11. [frūmēntă dē][vŏrēntūr nē] [cūnctīssĭmē.]
12. [Dīscēdūnt ī][rāti īnfēlī][cēs cētĕrī]
13. [mūrēs. Ăvā][rūs nōn tāngīt] [frūmēntă mūs]
14. [ĕt ēxspīrāt] [fămī. Fēlī][cēs āmŏvēnt]
15. [ĕt hībērnānt] [frūmēntă dēīn] [īndūstrĭāē.]
2. ut defuissent formicis nulla agmini
3. parantibus cellas brumales algidas.
4. Nec legati preces avarum nec movent.
5. Formicis furibus sodales invocat
6. centum murum pervenerunt ad bella qui.
7. Multis pugnis pugnatis agmine unico
8. formicarum oppugnant in frumentarios
9. muros murum sed interim valet fames
10. quod intra avarus mus licet cenare non
11. frumenta devorentur ne cunctissime.
12. Discedunt irati infelices ceteri
13. mures. Avarus non tangit frumenta mus
14. et exspirat fami. Felices amovent
15. et hibernant frumenta dein industriae.
1. A greedy mouse had collected so much grain
2. that there was none left for the ants (and) for their battle line
3. preparing their cold solstice storerooms.
4. Neither messengers nor prayers moved the greedy one.
5. With the ants as thieves, he called in his friends,
6. a hundred mice who came to the wars.
7. With many fights having been fought in a singular battle line
8. of ants they laid siege against the grain-filled
9. walls of the mice. But meanwhile hunger is strong
10. within because the greedy mouse is not allowing (them) to dine
11. lest the grain be entirely devoured.
12. Angry (and) unhappy the rest of the mice
13. leave. The greedy mouse does not touch the grain
14. and he dies by hunger. The industrious (ants) take
15. the grain and then spend the winter happy.
1. [Ăvārūs tōt] [cōllēgĕrāt] [frūmēntă mūs]
2. [ūt dēfŭīs][sēnt fōrmīcīs] [nūlla āgmĭnī]
3. [părāntĭbūs] [cēllās brūmā][lēs ālgĭdās.]
4. [Nēc lēgātī] [ăvārūm nēc] [prĕcēs mŏvēnt.]
5. [Fōrmīcīs fū][rĭbūs sŏdā][lēs īnvŏcāt]
6. [cēntūm mūrūm] [pērvēnērūnt] [ād bēllă quī.]
7. [Mūltīs pūgnīs] [pūgnātīs āg][mĭne ūnĭcō]
8. [fōrmīcārum ōp][pūgnānt īn frū][mēntārĭōs]
9. [mūrōs mūrūm] [sĕd īntĕrīm] [vălēt fămēs]
10. [quōd īntra ăvā][rūs mūs lĭcēt] [cēnārĕ nōn]
11. [frūmēntă dē][vŏrēntūr nē] [cūnctīssĭmē.]
12. [Dīscēdūnt ī][rāti īnfēlī][cēs cētĕrī]
13. [mūrēs. Ăvā][rūs nōn tāngīt] [frūmēntă mūs]
14. [ĕt ēxspīrāt] [fămī. Fēlī][cēs āmŏvēnt]
15. [ĕt hībērnānt] [frūmēntă dēīn] [īndūstrĭāē.]
I.V Astra Innumera
This poem made its debut on the blog of Lupercal as "Astra Innumera: A Latin Poetess Explains Her Craft" and is reprinted here without my commentary (you can find that at the Lupercal blog).
1. Unum adacta sum duo tempore infra
2. tres sedere longe aliena noctu
3. quattuor astra quinque sub obsidebunt
4. quae medias sex
5. mox medullas sēeptem animasque Parcae
6. basia octo derigit auspicatae
7. numen emollit novem amansque ignes
8. arboreus nunc.
9. Qui decem ardescunt animos amoenos
10. undecim primo forulos secundo
11. tertio inscriptas tabulasque quarto
12. paginulas quo
13. oscula ebibi numerata quinto
14. multa sexto parvaque codicilli
15. septimo. Lustravi animosa paulas
16. ast animales
17. fabulas. Nono decimo astra longe
18. computaveram innumera algida in tunc
19. caelites fines apices et alis
20. undecimo orta en!
One, I have been driven, two, by time,
three, to sit low under the stars of another,
four, at a distance, five, by night, (stars) which will besiege
my inner, six,
marrow(s) and spirit(s) soon, seven, and the
power of a favorable Fate arranges kisses, eight,
and a tree-made lover, nine, softens
fires (in marrow and spirit) now.
(Fires) which, ten, burn my pleasant thoughts,
Eleven, first, (and) bookshelves, second, third,
and inscribed book-covers, fourth,
and little pages, from which
I have drunk the book’s kisses (which I) counted,
fifth, many and small, sixth,
seventh. But I, animated, have illuminated
little animal
stories. Ninth, tenth, I had counted
the uncountable, cold stars, so far away
and then I rose on wings into heavenly ends and peaks
eleventh – look!
1. [Ūnum ă][dāctă] [sūm dŭŏ tē][mpŏre īnfrā]
2. [trēs sĕ][dērĕ] [lōnge ălĭē][nă nōctū]
3. [quāttuŏr] [āstră] [quīnquĕ sŭb ō][bsĭdēbūnt]
4. [quāē mĕ][dĭās sēx]
5. [mōx mĕ][dūllās] [sēptem ănĭmās][quĕ Pārcāē]
6. [bāsĭ][a ōctō] [dērĭgĭt āū][spĭcātāē]
7. [nūmĕn] [ēmōl][līt nŏvem ămāns][quĕ īgnēs]
8. [ārbŏ][rĕūs nūnc.]
9. [Quī dĕ][cem ārdē][scūnt ănĭmōs] [ămōēnōs]
10. [ūndĕ][cīm prī][mō fŏrŭlōs] [sĕcūndō]
11. [tērtĭ][o īnscrīp][tās tăbŭlās][quĕ quārtō]
12. [pāgĭ][nŭlās quō]
13. [ōscŭ][la ēbĭ][bī nŭmĕrāt][ă quīntō]
14. [mūltă] [sēxtō] [pārvăquĕ cō][dĭcīllī]
15. [sēptĭ][mō. Lūs][trāvi ănĭmō][să pāūlās]
16. [āst ă][nĭmālēs]
17. [fābŭ][lās. Nō][nō dĕcĭmo ās][tră lōngē]
18. [cōmpŭ][tāvĕ][ram īnnŭmĕra āl][gĭda īn tūnc]
19. [cāēlĭ][tēs fī][nēs ăpĭcēs] [ĕt ālīs]
20. [ūndĕ][cĭmo ōrta ēn!]
1. Unum adacta sum duo tempore infra
2. tres sedere longe aliena noctu
3. quattuor astra quinque sub obsidebunt
4. quae medias sex
5. mox medullas sēeptem animasque Parcae
6. basia octo derigit auspicatae
7. numen emollit novem amansque ignes
8. arboreus nunc.
9. Qui decem ardescunt animos amoenos
10. undecim primo forulos secundo
11. tertio inscriptas tabulasque quarto
12. paginulas quo
13. oscula ebibi numerata quinto
14. multa sexto parvaque codicilli
15. septimo. Lustravi animosa paulas
16. ast animales
17. fabulas. Nono decimo astra longe
18. computaveram innumera algida in tunc
19. caelites fines apices et alis
20. undecimo orta en!
One, I have been driven, two, by time,
three, to sit low under the stars of another,
four, at a distance, five, by night, (stars) which will besiege
my inner, six,
marrow(s) and spirit(s) soon, seven, and the
power of a favorable Fate arranges kisses, eight,
and a tree-made lover, nine, softens
fires (in marrow and spirit) now.
(Fires) which, ten, burn my pleasant thoughts,
Eleven, first, (and) bookshelves, second, third,
and inscribed book-covers, fourth,
and little pages, from which
I have drunk the book’s kisses (which I) counted,
fifth, many and small, sixth,
seventh. But I, animated, have illuminated
little animal
stories. Ninth, tenth, I had counted
the uncountable, cold stars, so far away
and then I rose on wings into heavenly ends and peaks
eleventh – look!
1. [Ūnum ă][dāctă] [sūm dŭŏ tē][mpŏre īnfrā]
2. [trēs sĕ][dērĕ] [lōnge ălĭē][nă nōctū]
3. [quāttuŏr] [āstră] [quīnquĕ sŭb ō][bsĭdēbūnt]
4. [quāē mĕ][dĭās sēx]
5. [mōx mĕ][dūllās] [sēptem ănĭmās][quĕ Pārcāē]
6. [bāsĭ][a ōctō] [dērĭgĭt āū][spĭcātāē]
7. [nūmĕn] [ēmōl][līt nŏvem ămāns][quĕ īgnēs]
8. [ārbŏ][rĕūs nūnc.]
9. [Quī dĕ][cem ārdē][scūnt ănĭmōs] [ămōēnōs]
10. [ūndĕ][cīm prī][mō fŏrŭlōs] [sĕcūndō]
11. [tērtĭ][o īnscrīp][tās tăbŭlās][quĕ quārtō]
12. [pāgĭ][nŭlās quō]
13. [ōscŭ][la ēbĭ][bī nŭmĕrāt][ă quīntō]
14. [mūltă] [sēxtō] [pārvăquĕ cō][dĭcīllī]
15. [sēptĭ][mō. Lūs][trāvi ănĭmō][să pāūlās]
16. [āst ă][nĭmālēs]
17. [fābŭ][lās. Nō][nō dĕcĭmo ās][tră lōngē]
18. [cōmpŭ][tāvĕ][ram īnnŭmĕra āl][gĭda īn tūnc]
19. [cāēlĭ][tēs fī][nēs ăpĭcēs] [ĕt ālīs]
20. [ūndĕ][cĭmo ōrta ēn!]
I.VI Astronavis
1. Mi gubernatrici agilem citatis
2. palmulis et penifero guberno,
3. Musa, constellata beata stellis
4. astronavem da!
5. Pulvis astreans facis et volantes
6. calculos splendentia pertinentes
7. detrahuntur usque in aquas micantes
8. sub pedibus nunc.
9. Lumina effluent super ut liquores
10. accidant in pulvereos lavatos
11. sic refundunt flavicomae cometae
12. sidera cursus.
13. Vela do stellaria luminanti
14. spiritu avecturo animantia astris
15. persolutis aureolisque tactis
16. a leviter me.
Muse, blessed (and) studded with stars,
give to me, a female captain, a starship
agile with swift oars and a
feathered rudder!
Let the star-gleaming dust of a star and flying
counting-stones (and) brilliant (things) be dragged down,
stretching all the way into the waters glittering
now under my feet.
Lights will flow out beyond just as waters
may fall into dusty courses, having been washed,
thus do yellow-haired comets (and) constellations
overflow (their courses).
I give my starry sails to a shining
breath, about to carry them away, breathing, with stars
dislodged and golden, having been touched
lightly by me.
1. [Mī gŭ][bērnāt][rīci ăgĭlēm] [cĭtātīs]
2. [pālmŭ][līs ēt] [pēnĭfĕrō] [gŭbērnō,]
3. [Mūsă,] [cōnstēl][lātă bĕā][tă stēllīs]
4. [āstrŏ][năvēm dā!]
5. [Pūlvĭs] [āstrĕ][āns făcĭs ēt] [vŏlāntēs]
6. [cālcŭ][lōs splēn][dēntĭă pēr][tĭnēntēs]
7. [dētră][hūntŭr] [ūsque ĭn ăquās] [mĭcāntēs]
8. [sūb pĕ][dĭbūs nūnc.]
9. [Lūmĭn][a ēfflŭ][ēnt sŭpĕr ūt] [lĭquōrēs]
10. [āccĭ][dānt īn] [pūlvĕrĕōs] [lăvātōs]
11. [sīc rĕ][fūndūnt] [flāvĭcŏmāē] [cŏmētāē]
12. [sīdĕr][ă cūrsūs.]
13. [Vēlă] [dō stēl][lārĭă lū][mĭnāntī]
14. [spīrĭt][u āvēc][tūro ănĭmān][tĭa āstrīs]
15. [pērsŏ][lūtīs] [āūrĕŏlīs][quĕ tāctīs]
16. [ā lĕ][vĭtēr mē.]
2. palmulis et penifero guberno,
3. Musa, constellata beata stellis
4. astronavem da!
5. Pulvis astreans facis et volantes
6. calculos splendentia pertinentes
7. detrahuntur usque in aquas micantes
8. sub pedibus nunc.
9. Lumina effluent super ut liquores
10. accidant in pulvereos lavatos
11. sic refundunt flavicomae cometae
12. sidera cursus.
13. Vela do stellaria luminanti
14. spiritu avecturo animantia astris
15. persolutis aureolisque tactis
16. a leviter me.
Muse, blessed (and) studded with stars,
give to me, a female captain, a starship
agile with swift oars and a
feathered rudder!
Let the star-gleaming dust of a star and flying
counting-stones (and) brilliant (things) be dragged down,
stretching all the way into the waters glittering
now under my feet.
Lights will flow out beyond just as waters
may fall into dusty courses, having been washed,
thus do yellow-haired comets (and) constellations
overflow (their courses).
I give my starry sails to a shining
breath, about to carry them away, breathing, with stars
dislodged and golden, having been touched
lightly by me.
1. [Mī gŭ][bērnāt][rīci ăgĭlēm] [cĭtātīs]
2. [pālmŭ][līs ēt] [pēnĭfĕrō] [gŭbērnō,]
3. [Mūsă,] [cōnstēl][lātă bĕā][tă stēllīs]
4. [āstrŏ][năvēm dā!]
5. [Pūlvĭs] [āstrĕ][āns făcĭs ēt] [vŏlāntēs]
6. [cālcŭ][lōs splēn][dēntĭă pēr][tĭnēntēs]
7. [dētră][hūntŭr] [ūsque ĭn ăquās] [mĭcāntēs]
8. [sūb pĕ][dĭbūs nūnc.]
9. [Lūmĭn][a ēfflŭ][ēnt sŭpĕr ūt] [lĭquōrēs]
10. [āccĭ][dānt īn] [pūlvĕrĕōs] [lăvātōs]
11. [sīc rĕ][fūndūnt] [flāvĭcŏmāē] [cŏmētāē]
12. [sīdĕr][ă cūrsūs.]
13. [Vēlă] [dō stēl][lārĭă lū][mĭnāntī]
14. [spīrĭt][u āvēc][tūro ănĭmān][tĭa āstrīs]
15. [pērsŏ][lūtīs] [āūrĕŏlīs][quĕ tāctīs]
16. [ā lĕ][vĭtēr mē.]